We recently spent a beautiful weekend at the Better Way Detox Fair in Wiltshire. We loved meeting some of you and speaking to you about detoxing the body and mind. For those of you who missed it, the footage will be available to watch soon here for a donation. For now, some of the steering committee would like to share with you their personal favourite detox practices as well as what they loved about the Detox Fair.
Jane Gunn
Jane spoke at the fair about Conflict Resolution in our Mental Health Detox Panel. Her favourite experience of the weekend was receiving Ear Acupuncture with Sarah Kibble which she found a curiously calming experience. If you want to learn more about Conflict Resolution Jane has a fantastic book for sale on the WCH online shop - The Mole and The Mountain.
Favourite Detox - A daily green smoothie with fresh lemon, ginger and turmeric , aloe juice, blueberries and pomegranate.
Maureen Fearon
Maureen spoke to the audience about harnessing inner resources to better manage emotions and increase the success of our goals. You can learn more about her techniques in Shoo - The Destructive Demon Within. She shares her favourite parts of the event below:
“The Detox fair, what I liked the best: The Hope, the positive “can do” sharing from such a wonderful range of experts! I loved seeing the open-minded people keen for learning and exploring ways to improve and manage their best health and lifestyles. It was such a friendly and non-judgemental gathering. I learned how important, no, vital our understanding of frequency and energy is. Its power and potential solutions to problems and wellbeing in general is a strong message which needs to get out to the masses. Even simple grounding can be a great health. It has motivated me to learn more and is fascinating whilst making simple sense.”
Favourite Detox - Fasting. It is easy to do in this time-strapped life. Whether it is one two or three days it is doable. The key to its success is keeping busy so that the focus of wanting to eat can be avoided, then positively phrased self-talk such as “I am Ok, I am doing this, it is helping my body” “Naah, not really hungry, I am letting my body heal instead, this is good, this is easy!” “I won’t be a slave to eating, my body deserves this rest and time to heal” The benefits can be felt so fast and there is a lovely psychological element too of being proud, knowing there is good self-discipline and a sense of achievement, all contributing to a sense of empowerment and true independence. The money saved can be donated to a good cause too!
Sarah Myhill
Sarah sadly couldn’t make it to the Detox Fair, but her books did and were enjoyed by many of you. Sarah has written lots of books, three of which are award-winning. You can buy some of these including Paleo-Ketogenic and Sustainable Medicine on the WCH online shop.
Favourite Detox - Epsom Salt bath containing 1lb (approx. 500 grams) of Epsom salts per bath, cheaply available from www.epsomsalts.co.uk who deliver in bulk. Water should be as hot as can be comfortably tolerated, soak for 20 mins. Excellent for detoxing and supplying magnesium and sulphate – this is well absorbed - see https://www.mgwater.com/transdermal.shtml
Euan McGhee
Euan was found looking after the WCH British Isles stand at the fair. He loved engaging with everyone and is keen to see some familiar faces at the next event and many new ones too. He shares his favourite part of the Detox Fair was the feeling of a family.
‘Everyone has lost someone in one way or another over these past few years and at the fair I felt at home with everyone.’
from left to right: Patrick Holford, Euan McGhee, Jane Gunn, Zoe Strickland, Maureen Fearon
Euan believes that we all should be practicing detoxing one way or another. He believes that shared wisdom and expert opinion are key to achieving and understanding our own needs.
Favourite Detoxes’ - EMF detox includes using a block sock and block bag for his digital devices as well as keeping the phone on aeroplane mode too when not using it.
Euan also adds fresh turmeric and ginger to his cooking. He also takes CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) and Borax. He takes CDS to remove heavy metals, toxins and to help oxidise and purify the blood. The Borax to help eliminate fluoride, assist in the manufacture and balance of hormones and promote heart health.
Patrick Holford
Patrick spoke at the Detox Fair about the Four Horsemen of the Mental Health Apocalypse. You can learn more about this in his new book - Upgrade your Brain.
Favourite Detox - A Watermelon Whizz, made simply by blending the flesh and seeds of a watermelon. The seeds crack and the black husk of the seed sinks to the bottom; the seed itself, which is rich in zinc, selenium, vitamin E and essential fats, becomes part of the drink with the vitamin C and beta-carotene-rich flesh.
Thank you for reading,
WCH British Isles